How To Use Comma In Xml

Hi i have below transformation requirement in tibco bw 5 x.
How to use comma in xml. I am having some difficulties understanding how to use comma in format number in xml. To include special characters inside xml files you must use the numeric character reference instead of that character. The numeric character reference must be utf 8 because the supported encoding for xml files is defined in the prolog as encoding utf 8 and should not be changed. Clearly i am understanding it wrong. The above query returns a space separated list with the values stored in the xml fragment to fulfill our objective we can use replace function to replace the spaces with comma s.
I ll paste the query using the value method with 5 different columns the before query as well as the comma separated way using for xml path and cross apply to show the difference in the query and output. Then an xsltransform object from the system xml xsl namespace is created the xsl stylesheet is loaded and the xsl transform is. Source sends the data in below format because of constraint on their system. Name1 name2 name3 1 2 3 developer lead manager need to convert to below format. Can someone explain it to me please.
Appreciate your help on this. I ll use the cross apply method since that is easiest imo to read. Name1 1 developer name2 2 lead name3 3 manager need help in approcah to trnasorm to the required format.