How To Count In Excel Unique Values

In the example show the formula in f6 is.
How to count in excel unique values. The frequency function ignores text and zero values. Counta unique range the formula works with this simple logic. Making every repeating value a fraction of its occurrence by dividing 1 by their counts. Sumproduct 1 countif data data data data represents the range that contains the values. Sumproduct 1 countif b5 b14 b5 b14 with excel 365 you can use a simpler and faster formula based on unique.
Here the countif formula counts the number of times each value in the range appears. This example shows you how to create an array formula that counts unique values. For the first occurrence of a specific value this function returns a number equal to the number of occurrences of that value. If your table contains case sensitive data the easiest way to count unique values would be creating a helper column with the following array formula to identify duplicate and unique items. The easiest way to count unique values in a column is to use the unique function together with the counta function.
When counting unique values use the following expression. Sum if isnumber a2 a17 1 countif a2 a17 a2 a17 the change below works for me in excel 2016 by deleting the double quotes at the end after the comma. Unique returns an array of unique entries and counta counts all the elements of the array. To the best of my knowledge excel still doesn t have a built in function for counting unique values. Following is the generic formula that you can use.
For example to count the number of 5 s use the following function. For each occurrence of that same value after the first this function returns a zero. We use the countif function. Count unique values in excel you can use the combination of the sum and countif functions to count unique values in excel. The simplest and easiest way to count distinct values in excel is to use sumproduct and countif formula.
Using a range an array of cells and values to create a criteria makes the function calculate for all cells in the criteria range. Count case sensitive unique values in excel. If sum exact a 2 a 10 a2 1 unique dupe and then use a simple countif function to count unique values. Get count of unique numbers from a list and if you just want to count unique numbers from a list of values then you can use below formula. The syntax for this combined formula is sum if 1 countif data data 1 1 0.