How To Clean Tv Screen Without Leaving Streaks

Mix white vinegar and distilled water 50 50 equal parts and put it on the cloth then clean the screen with the cloth.
How to clean tv screen without leaving streaks. If there are smeared stains of fingerprints on your tv screen adding vinegar to the water loosens greasy residue safely from the screen without leaving streaks. Tb1234 lcd tv screen cleaner recipe. Use the spray bottle to spray the solution on to your cleaning cloth. Don t use paper towels as they can contain fibers that can do damage to the screen according to consumer reports. No matter what kind of television you have start by turning it off.
This ensures an even spread and yields better results than soaking it in the cleaning solution. Just dip some lint free cloth into a 50 50 mix of distilled water and white vinegar rub the lenses gently to clean them and then let them air dry the liquid will evaporate quickly leaving the glass streak free. If you haven t then it is recommended to put your cleaning solution into a spray bottle. This is why distilled water won t leave any streaks compared to water from your tap. And also distilled water won t scratch your screen.
Once done with the cleaning dry the cleaned area with the drier portion of your cloth. Now its time to spray some magic gel on the screen but don t forget to use only the best tv screen cleaner gel. After spraying let the gel sit there on the surface for at least half a minute. There should not be any streaks if you did everything right. You ll be able to see the dust and smudges much better on a dark screen.
Technically if you want to use a liquid to remove dirt from your monitor you can use water with a clean micro fiber cloth. The first thing you need to do in order to get a shiny tv screen without streaks is to turn off the tv and then remove the dust particle from the screen. Continue dusting until there are no dust trails left. Cleaning a screen tv without streaks using vinegar and water. Tap water contains minerals that can leave water spots or residue on the screen so distilled water is the only way to clean your lcd screen without leaving streaks.
Next grab a dry soft cloth. Gently wipe the screen in a circular motion with the cloth until the screen is clean and dry. Use another microfiber cloth to wipe it dry. Avoid using a glass cleaning spray on a plasma tv or hdtv to prevent damaging the screen. Use a microfiber soft cloth never use a spray directly on the screen or a cloth.